How Eyenai Works

Eye Screening
An ophthalmic technician or trained nurse screens the patient’s eye via a specialized camera.

Image Upload to Eyenai
The captured fundus image is uploaded into Eyenai and then to the cloud for diagnosis by the AI model.

Immediate Result
Eyenai instantly provides the screening result, which can then be conveyed to the patient.
Normal Vs. Diabetic Retinopathy
swipe to see the difference between regular and diabetic retinopathy visionChallenges

Increased test demands
The demand for medical care is rising as retinal conditions become increasingly widespread. Which caused hospitals and clinics the inability to cover the medical requirements for diagnostics and eye examination.

Delay in traditional examination
When compared with the present technology that detects symptoms within minutes, traditional examination lacks in many ways. In addition to that with this technology a larger number of patients can be accommodated.

A small pool of specialized doctors
The limited pool of specialized doctors has further decreased as the number of patients has increased.

High cost of examination
All of the mentioned factors are contributing to the high cost of examination for patients as well as health care providers, making the examination a difficult challenge to solve.

Limited availability of appointments
The appointment list tends to be long with big time intervals, which causes a challenge for the patients as they wait their turn, their case usually worsens making treatment more difficult.
Accrued Benefits
Gained Values
Hospitals clinics and other medical institutions
Eyenai can help medical institutions in fast-tracking the screening process, allowing more people to be screened, significantly enhance the inspection process; ensuring a smooth mechanism, and automating the process of examination so that little to no medical staff is occupied in this step.
Ophthalmologists and eye health specialists
Eyenai is powered by AI and machine learning to produce clear and precise results to support all Opthalmologists and eye health specialists. It also comes with a platform that smoothly organizes and manages patient visits; saving the medical specialist’s time.
Diabetic patients
Eyenai provides a quick and safe eye examination with minimal wait time. It guarantees quicker and more accurate results with the help of AI while minimizing the need for a second opinion and helps patients with providing early diagnosis which results in early treatment.
Try Eyenai now
Eyenai leverages the power of artificial intelligence to effectively detect and diagnose potential health concerns related to the human eye
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